Reading Moby Dick (Again)

Here are the 10 Reasons I need to re-read Moby Dick:

  1. One should probably do this at least once every three years, just as a general practice.
  2. I love this novel so much I painted a mural on my door, as discussed in this previous post.
  3. My tattoo of the future (I’ve been wafting on this for years) is inspired by Moby Dick, and I need some ideas for completing the design. I know that I am not the only one to want a Moby Dick tattoo- I have found a lot of them, some of which are on my Pinterest.

    Western Washington coast- drifted log on the beach. I live by an ocean now- that also probably means I should read Moby Dick again, right?

  4. I would like to revamp an old paper I wrote about the novel and send it off to a scholarly journal.
  5. I miss it.
  6. I want to paint another mural.
  7. I want to read it again after having a Masters and see how that changes my reading.
  8. It can be reviewed, lovingly, on the blog in one or multiple posts, thus contributing to the book reviews requested in one of my previous polls.
  9. I will probably be using it for tutoring soon- one of my students has shown an interest in reading it, which of course makes me very happy.
  10. There is really not a good reason I can come up with not to re-read it 🙂

I also found this really interesting blog of an artist who seems also very obsessed with Moby Dick, and makes artwork based on every page of the novel.

What do you think of Moby Dick? How many times have you read it, if any? If you have not read it, why not?

Happy Friday,

Miss E

19 comments on “Reading Moby Dick (Again)

  1. CMRock says:

    I haven’t read it, but I love books like that which continue to resonate and endure with you throughout the years. It’s inspiring to re-read old favorites and look at them from a new perspective and reflect on why they were meaningful you to the last time you read it.

    Read on and get that tattoo!

  2. confession time: I have never read Moby Dick

  3. Jillian ♣ says:

    I keep telling myself I need and want to read it, but it’s as if I’m saving it for the perfect time. I’ve read and loved the first (about) 100 pages…

  4. careyrowland says:

    As I have been visiting your fair city (and its awesome library) with some regularity these last two years, since my son was living there and working at the Starbucks headquarters, I recommend that you view the classic American whale tale, this time around, through the perspective of Starbuck’s warning.
    Furthermore, please do not fail to notice the parallel between Melville’s exploration of Ahab’s obsession, as compared to our recent contemporary cinematic fascination with the Titanic’s similar sinking fate. Melville’s story was quite prescient. And don’t forget, the fateful ending of the Pequod voyage is deeply significant in so many unfathomable ways; it is truly a whale of a tale.

  5. petitepaumee says:

    I would love to read reviews on Moby Dick! I’ve read tons of lengthy novels but for some reason I have never been able to get past the first 20 pages of Moby Dick. So I will be looking forward to hearing more about it, and why it’s worth reading!

  6. babso2you says:

    I got lost on “Call me Ishmael.” That was years ago. I should probably try to read it. I recently discovered Jane and love her work!

    • Love the line Call Me Ishmael. I actually had our English club design shirts with that slogan and a cute whale, but the printing didn’t turn out- I should definitely try that again 🙂

  7. It has been so long since I have read that book…I don’t think I fully appreciated it at the time I read it though. You have inspired me to put it on my list to read again. 🙂

  8. I’ve never read Moby Dick, but I think you convinced me that I need to. It sounds like one of those timeless books everyone needs to read!! Doing it!

  9. Don’t know. Reading it once was enough of a chore for me. 🙂

  10. Not Moby Dick for me, all of the books of Charles Dickens, I go round and round the titles without stop. That’s OK, I don’t have to memorise them. Always a good project, it makes one steady up. Kristin.

  11. terrepruitt says:

    I read Moby Dick in high school, I think — either that or Junior High. I remember that we picked it apart. I don’t remember so much what we figured out about it. But I do know that this story comes up often in many other books, TV shows, movies, stories, etc. I am happy that I was exposed to in in school because now I can recognize the theme when I see it.

    Enjoy your re-visit!

  12. J. R. Whitener says:

    Moby Dick is dangerous. The fluidity that Melville rambles details into the narrative is tempting to emulate. For that alone, out of the classics, it’s one of my favorites.

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